Monday, January 23, 2012

Song of the Day

So appropriate for today. One of my favorite songs of all time.

Tony Toni Tone - It never rains in Southern California, they tell me...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Special Teams Sunday

          As my boy Sean "Toobigtofail" Ferrell said, today should go down as "Special Teams Sunday." I didn't even understand the true impact that these kickoffs, punts, returns, field goals and extra points had on the game until I played at a collegiate level. Matter of fact, specials teams is an aspect of football that is not very well understood, even by football fanatics. That is, until they determine the outcome of a game, as was the case in both conference championship games today.

          I, along with the rest of the high I.Q. football players around America, had chosen the Niners and Ravens in today's competitions; but as Al Pacino stated "On any given Sunday you're gonna win or you're gonna lose. The point is - can you win or lose like a man?" I hope these two are able to ansewer the post game interview questions like a man, They both might be out of a job. I can go on and on and give an in depth analysis on the impact of special teams today, with refences and whatnot, but I'm a little too tipsy, LOL. Besides, you can hear it on Sportscenter later. The bottom line is, it matters, and these two guys pictured couldn't handle the pressure. As a result, it cost their teams a trip to the Superbowl. TSK, TSK!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Little League Fantasy Ball

As some of you know, last year I had the privilidge of being invited to tryout for the Seattle Mariners. There were about fifteen guys who participated and we went through a series of fielding, throwing, hitting and timed sprints. Little came of it for me, but that's not the point, I was a full ten years older than one other prospect and I was just happy to be there. I only bring it up because yesterday I took my son to his little league pony baseball "evaluations" and the event was strikingly similar to my experience with the Mariners. FYI, my son is only six years old.

When I got to the park at 8 AM, there were about seventy kids all lined up with marathon like numbers attached to their backs. I took my son, Isaac, to the check in table, got his number and put him in line. The coaches had clipboards with prepared printed packetts for taking notes on each of the player's skill level. I was shocked at the charade. I thought to myself "this is where kids are supposed to LEARN how to play the game." It was nothing like when I played little league. This league had taken a division that was supposed to be instructional and turned it into fantasy baseball for the coaches.

Isaac played in the league for his first ever baseball season this past fall, but it was nothing like this. I offered my services as assistant coach then, and I admit, there were a few kids on the team who I thought could never get it right. These kids provided a delighful surprise and showed me that a little sincere encouragement and sound, fundamental based instruction can go a long way. THAT is what little league is about. Helping kids overcome tough task, teaching them they can achieve if they try and having fun. Not how well you can draft a team from a pool primarily full of newbies.

Hopefully, the season doesn't play out the way I forsee it. I'm happy to say Isaac did very well in the tryouts. He's quickly becoming recognized as one of the best hitters in the league. Good thing I was there to negotiate his contract. It may be hard not to take a page out of Cecil Newton Sr.'s playbook. LOL!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Brand New Music!

Check out the updates to my reverbnation page. Just about every song I've been a part of now available!